I've been eying this generator for a long time. The seller seems to have a bunch in stock and I hope he doesn't run out be cause I want one for street vending. I'll set up some lights at my table after it gets dark. The problem is I haven't been street vending enough to justify a
purchase right now. As far as a good starter
portable generator this one looks great even though
its one of the cheapest ones I could find. Just as a side note, this has the lowest noise level I could find.eBay was the place to go to find an inexpensive generator; other sites
we're charging from $800 to $3000 bucks for the exact same product compared to eBay who listed this for $127 with free shipping. check out the listing:
MegaPower Portable Power Gas Generator Camping RV Boat.
Usually I won't post about stuff that costs over a hundred bucks but I really want this.
I'll be talking more about useful electronics as I keep posting.
Happy eBay hunting!